mandag den 19. januar 2009


so today I looked through my youtube videos and I have this one video with my dog that I made a long time ago (I'll put it up here) and I had no idea that you could watch it in high quality... so I watched the video, and it just reminded me again how much I miss her... she really was my best little dog

anyways things are good here

Take care


fredag den 16. januar 2009


hey it's me again...just wanted to make a little P.S.

I'm in that romantic mood, so I founf this video on youtube and it is so good.
I love the song, because it reminds me of someone and the video is just so cute and amazing... the clips are from Twilight (I still haven't seen the movie or read the books - shame on me I know)

Anyways that is it for today :)

Again take care out there

- Mie

polish, yes sir

Hi all

so I dont really have that much to inform you about, I just felt like writing something.
It's been super cold here these last couple of days... im seriously freezing my butt off.

So anyways in the last blog i forgot to mention the nail polishes... sorry :/
anyways the nail polishes are :
60 seconds 800 Black out (black)
60 seconds 809 Blue me away (blue)
60 seconds 310 red carpet (red)
all of them are from Rimmel, and I'm really surprised at how good they are... Usually I always end up scrapping some of the nail polish off, but not this one (Im wearing the red one btw... It's kinda a seductive one but can also work as pardon my french, a bitch nail polish. I prefer the first one ;) ). The blue one I kinda bought by accident. I was gonna buy a purple one, and it looked like it was purple in the store because of the lighting, but when I got home I saw that it was blue - but it's still pretty :)

hmm what else can I say... oh, I know I'm on that healthy wagon but today I gave in for an energy drink it was sooooo good that I actually drank 2 bahahaha (I usually only drink water and tea, when I'm trying to be healthy)
I've been in a weird mood today... filled with energy, (that happened before the energy drinks I might ad) and really lame jokes.... 
I'm still reading that The Little Princess book.. but haven't really been able to concentrate on it... my mind is somewhere else, perhaps even in a different country :)

Well thats it for now... 

Take care

- Mie

søndag den 11. januar 2009

hello + about me

Hi I'm Mie and this is my first

So who am I? Well if i had that answer I would be a lot smarter, but I can tell you a few thing.
I'm a 21 year young woman/girl...whatever you want to call me. I love music it is my nr 1 passion and can't live without it. I'm born and raised in Denmark, its a small cosy little place... I can't really complain. I like to draw things, but im clearly not the best one out there ;) reading is fun too... i've finished a couple of books and yes im proud of that :p  
Oh I should point out that I can be very sarcastic... and sometimes I should really think before I speak... but hey don't we all.
So I'm still really new to this Blogspot thing and honestly I have no idea of what I'm doing other than writing this... between you and I.. I have already deleted a few things i shouldn't
anywhoo, I'm gonna try as much as I can to keep this site updated with blogs, pics and maybe even videos of some sort...

Until next time, take care 
